University: 941-358-6000 ● Lakewood Ranch: 941-404-7100 ● St. Regis: 941-233-9049 ● PARRISH: 941-297-0430

Cutting Loose Salon Hosts State of Our Industry Event

Coral Pleas along with her son and business partner, Travis Scheuer, of Cutting Loose Salon hosts Sarasota area Intercoiffure member salons and partnered with top cosmetology school educators for an open discussion. Other Salon owners in attendance include: Terry McKee and James Amato from Nuovo Salon Group, James and Christine Griffith from James Griffith Salon […]

Intercoiffure’s Nouveau “Legendary 10”

In October, four Cutting Loose team members participated in Intercoiffure’s Nouveau “Legendary 10” at the Fall Atelier in New York City. Kari Bowman, Sydney Dry, Giana Odoardi and Trish Davis were able to work both backstage and on stage to present Perry Monge’s vision of “ The Legenedary 10”. The team recreated styles from Ann […]

Cutting Loose in Sarasota, October 27, 2014

This past week has been busy for us! Just take a peek below and see what we were up to this week! Taking NYC: The week started off with us meeting up with our Cutting Loose Somers team In New York City.  Every year we gather for the Intercoiffure Fall Atelier at the Waldorf Astoria […]